About MultiDime

MultiDime has been incubated over a number of years, and was formally established in 2020, as a consequence of Covid-19 global pandemic. Long term partners decided to join as a collective, to address the economic and health disparities faced by many South Africans. 

Our Ethos

We support community development and drive equitable economic return by creating and supporting sustainable value chains in the Agricultural, Health and Wellness sectors.

As a collective guided under the MultiDime ethos, we have created a platform for all members to participate in the growth and well-being of the Earth (The Planet)  and our fellow humans (The People).

Strategic Collaboration

We develop relationships with strategic partners and  collectively we ensure inclusive and transparent growth in the sectors we participate in.

MultiDime acts as the conduit between the market, business, government and informal sectors. Our core function is to ensure fair and transparent engagements and growth for all.

Our Value System


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