Our fundamental approach to agriculture is in-line with bio-mimicry and regenerative cultivation principals. A simple reference is our staple undertaking of Companion Planting methods that provide the benefit of adding value to the soil, while also assisting with the natural management of pests to valuable crops.
We have consolidated our operations as a collective to improve our ability to produce and process high quality products and services. Sustainability, training and skills development is the fundamental underpinning of our involvement in the agricultural sector. MultiDime has formed strategic partnerships with a number of producers, and established a working relationship following our respective due diligence. We scrutinize the following key metrics;
- Quality standards
- Operational capabilities
- Resource requirements
- Operational expertise
Agri-Grow Standards
We have vetted our partners and conducted significant due diligence and competency checks to ensure all produce is natural and not artificially enhanced, beyond merely observing natural systems.
Cultivation practices have been assessed to ensure we engage with businesses and farming operations that share MultiDime’s ethos of equitable, collective and inclusive developmental growth.
As a collective, we have created strategic development plans for the growth and inclusion of local farming communities in the formal markets which subscribe to fair trade practices.
Agriculture for Plant Medicine
MultiDime is curating the growing requirements and quality standards for off-take of local indigenous plants, that are sought after in the rapidly growing complimentary medicine and supplement markets.
We have dedicated practitioners to facilitate skills development in the cultivation and production of produce used in complimentary medicines. We feel this is a vital and necessary way to address the immediate and persistent health challenges that so many people are afflicted with Worldwide.
Our approach is to maximise the effectiveness across vertically-integrated value chains, deliver high quality agricultural produce and complimentary medicines, to reach the people most in need.
A GrassRoots Approach
By addressing the specific needs of communities, their is a collective purpose that empowers the development of viable projects to solve the challenges at hand. We encourage each individual to define their own trajectory within a given field of expertise, and help them understand their role in the collective expression.
This cohesion allows us to focus on solving the most important challenges we as individuals and our communities currently face. We are constantly striving to enable a healthy synergy between practical skills development, cutting edge technologies and regenerative agricultural initiatives.